For years I have purchased various winter coat brands even though I live in a near-tropical climate. There is something about winter and being outside with a sufficient coat that excites me, so I continue to buy coats. I’ve got anything from leather jackets to serious cold-weather coats hanging in my closet. In fact, I have an entire closet dedicated …
I Am a Work in Progress, Not a Failure
We love tossing the word failure around. It’s so easy to say we are a failure at our job, at a relationship, at parenting. Is it being a failure? Or are we all works in progress? My preference is the latter, because if I truly believed I was a failure because of all the things I “failed” at, my mental …
What to Wear at the European Christmas Markets
People from all over the world flock to the European Christmas markets. You hear many different languages spoken while you’re walking around with stars in your eyes, wondering how you waited so long to go. When I decided to sign up for the group tour headed to Europe for the Christmas markets, I wondered what I was going to pack. …
Why I Loved My Experience with Group Travel
Travel is sacred to me. I’ve been traveling solo or with a partner for years, never having dipped my toes into group travel. With the abundance of social mediums, however, I discovered a person a while ago that I have been following. She seemed (from social) to be down to earth, likable, and I liked her vibe overall. I’d been …