Traits of Charismatic People – Why Charisma Matters

I recently listened to this podcast episode that sparked me to write this. Until recently, I thought charisma was a negative thing to have. It’s too often interchanged with charm, and I think charm is possibly one element of charisma. However, charisma is a much deeper deep dive of a person, and one that I have found gets us far …

How to Throw a House Party: Why I’m Really Good at It

The evolution of how to throw a house party successfully has been just that: a journey, an evolution. It wasn’t something I saw modeled for me in my family almost at all, so I had no idea how to do it when I decided it was something I wanted to try. Hosting people and helping them feel comfortable in my …

A Local’s Opinion of the Best Bars in New Orleans

I’m one person, but I’ve got my own opinions on the best bars in New Orleans, so I’ll share them. Boldly declaring the best bars in New Orleans is not exactly what I’m doing here, but they will be the ones I favor because of my personal taste. If you like me and stuff I like, you’ll probably like these, …

My Night Routine for Success: I Love Sleep

Sleeping is something that I was told on repeat by my mother that I did not enjoy as a baby and toddler. It was likely because I lived in a chaotic household and was stressed out, but naturally (in her opinion) I was simply the issue. Nowadays, sleep has become a huge piece of 24 hour day, and I realize …

German Christmas Markets: What I Loved About Each

Going to the German Christmas markets has turned into a tradition that I absolutely love. Being an American, I decided that Thanksgiving is the most appropriate and perfect time to go. Most Americans are traveling domestically to meet up with families, so getting out of the country is actually a very pleasant process. The European Christmas markets are something that, …

Ways to Feel More Confident

Being a confident person is something that I would imagine most people want to achieve. Some people naturally have more than others, so it seems, and we wonder how that happens. There are those whose parents did a good job with helping them build it, and there are those who have built it up themselves through the years. And then …

The Benefits of Shopping Local

In today’s ease of convenience, it’s easy to hop online to purchase this, that, or the other. It’s something I find myself doing for certain items rather than calling around or making an effort to step into a store. Growing up in a small business, it was impressed upon me to try to find whatever it is I need locally …

Free Things to Do in New Orleans: From a Local

Whether you live in New Orleans or are visiting, it’s nice to not have to shell out oodles of money all the time. While there are many, many worthy things to pay for, I want to help you save some of that hard-earned money. Hence, I’m giving you my favorite free things to do in New Orleans list, from a …

Essential Items for Traveling on a Plane

What traveling all over the world has taught me is that there are frivolous travel items and essential items for traveling on a plane. I’ve packed in every which way, and have narrowed down a list of things that I always take on trips with me, no matter if it’s domestic or international. The list is going to be geared …

Hiring a Coach: Business, Life, Clarity, Mental, Financial, Physical

This is a topic that I have been wanting to write about for a while, but also a little hesitant about because of the connotation about hiring a coach. It has lately felt like every woman who hated corporate went into the coaching business and is making more than all of us combined. Sometimes it also feels like a cult. …