August 17, 2024

Why to Love Social Media

Social media gets a lot of bad publicity in my opinion. The way people choose to use it can absolutely be toxic, but that’s their choice. For me, I use it to partake in more positive and fun interactions, as well as promote my small businesses that don’t have a large advertising budget. Since I also don’t have a very addictive personality, I’m not at risk of spending 5 hours in a row on Instagram doom scrolling. I’ve installed, uninstalled, then reinstalled TikTok, but I realize it’s just not for me. That platform is a lot, and I’m trying to simplify my life and participate only in things I like and enjoy. And yes, that is a possibility. Your free will gives you that option. If you’re on social media spewing or receiving miserable content, time to take accountability for that. You have control over your time and energy, and social media can absolutely be a positive experience. I’m living proof of that. Let’s see the many reasons of why to love social media.

One Girl Wandering (AKA Lindsay) and Me

Make New Friends

The new friend blessings continue to come my way. When you are aligned with yourself in what content you’re putting out and taking in, you tend to find people who are similar. I have met some amazing humans all over the internet, and it’s a testament of why to love social media. I’m forever grateful for whatever platforms I met these folks on. Likely it was on Facebook or Instagram. Maybe Twitter, or X as it’s called now. I’m in a creative mastermind group with one person, and another helped me understand how to blog better. Bonus: we both have little white rescue dogs that we are obsessed with. I've also traveled on a group trip with One Girl Wandering because I follow her on social and love her content. Insane! Never would I have run into these people without social media. That’s all I’m really available for, though. If you’re a troll or an energy suck on social media, adios. I’m ignoring or blocking you. My feed is only for amazing humans who contribute positively to my life.

Sending an Order to Someone Who Found Me Through Social Media!

Grow Your Business

I adopted the idea of growing my real estate business through social media early on, which is a big reason of why to love social media. It’s free, unless you bump it by paying (fairly minimally). Compared to other advertising means, social media is nothing short of awesome. In the early days before Facebook had a business side, I would promote my real estate business through my feed. Back then, a friend told me that someone we both knew told her I was being “opportunistic.” The word I heard is that she tried her hand at real estate and couldn’t hack it. Maybe she should’ve been a little more opportunistic, too. Or just smart. Because that’s what it is to promote your businesses on social media. It’s smart and it’s free. Keep on scrolling if you don’t like it, but if you’re a business owner, I highly recommend promoting yourself. I love my audiences through Liz Wood Realty and Roaming with Red. And going back to the previous reason of why to love social media, I’ve made amazing friends who found my business and we connected. It’s a beautiful and full circle, and benefits all involved.

Boden Dress I LOVE

Discover New Brands

If social media didn’t exist, I wouldn’t know half the brands I do now. Through influencers or advertising targeted to me, it’s one of the many reasons of why to love social media. I’ve found clothing brands, cooking brands, and paint colors through people or companies I have followed on various platforms. It cuts down on so much wasted time trying to find what you like or want. Like I stated earlier, I’m not an addict to social, so I typically get on for a bit, somehow find what I need, and get off. If I miss something, I really don’t care. There are brands and people I know have similar styles or taste as I do, so it makes life very easy for me when I’m looking for something I want or need. Social media has been a true benefit to how I like to shop. It helps me be more thoughtful and mindful, and actually buy things I really like and not what a store may have sitting on the shelf. I especially appreciate when I get targeted by local brands or businesses because I can then shop local and small. It’s a win-win.

My Two Social Media Stars

It's Entertaining

Whatever. I like to scroll through endless animal videos just like the next person. Frequently in the evening I designate 30 minutes or so to doing just that. I thoroughly enjoy it, and it’s why to love social media if you ask me. What is better than seeing unlikely friends (like a cat and a chicken) do adorable things on social? My thought is that there is nothing better. Sorry, but your babies are not what gets my motor running. It’s the animals. The more, the better for me, and it’s the only genre that I could fall down a rabbit hole watching. My other guilty pleasure are prank videos. When I see people scaring each other, it is likely I am crying laughing. I can’t help it - watching people scare is something I’ve always gotten great belly laughs from. Keep them coming. I’m your biggest fan.

One of My Top Favorite Shops in New Orleans

Promote Other Businesses

When I find a business I love, you best believe I am promoting the heck out of it. Local stores or companies in particular are a favorite of mine to promote. And guess what, friends? It’s free to do that for others. It literally costs you the few seconds or minutes of your time to give a boost to a company, store, or brand that you love and want to see stay in business. It’s baffling to me that this doesn’t happen more, and when I ask people to do it for me if they’ve had a good experience, I expect them to do it. We need to be really attuned to our community, whether it’s near or far, so that we can all keep making money and staying afloat. Again, it’s free, and promoting businesses are why to love social media. You never know who will discover them through your doing, and that’s a really good feeling.

Could Not Leave Tater Out!

Are You Sold on Social?

Maybe you’ve had some bad experiences on social media. Perhaps you’re thinking that this article of why to love social media is stupid. Ok. Think however you want, but I’m here to tell you that social media has a lot to love about it if you use is properly. Don’t be afraid to reach out, to be part of groups that boost your serotonin, that lift you up in life. The positivity is endless if you let it be, but that’s up to you. You’re in control of your life and your social media. I’m just popping in to tell you that it’s lovable in a lot of ways, and I hope that you find those ways to make your world a better and more social place.

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