October 14, 2024

Hiring a Coach: Business, Life, Clarity, Mental, Financial, Physical

This is a topic that I have been wanting to write about for a while, but also a little hesitant about because of the connotation about hiring a coach. It has lately felt like every woman who hated corporate went into the coaching business and is making more than all of us combined. Sometimes it also feels like a cult. I’ll be the first to admit: it kind of is. But aren’t we all in some version of a cult anyway? Often I refer to family units as mini cults. All these weird and particular traditions people have “just because they were told by some other blood relative” sounds suspicious, right? What about CrossFit people? Holy cow, I don’t even need to elaborate. Anyway, I’m just here to tell about my experience in hiring and thriving with a coach. I’ve got my own set of quirks, but this is what works for me and I’d like to share.

Start Selling the BIG Houses!

Hiring a Coach for Business

Years ago, I wanted to level up in my business and I met this person (a woman) who seemed like I could work with to do exactly this. After an initial meeting, hiring a coach for my business felt like it made sense. I own a real estate company in New Orleans and there are, what feels like, a million realtors. There were exactly zero that I wanted to emulate and be like, so I had to get clear on what I did want out of my business. Enter this business coach. We would meet sometimes each week and sometimes every other week, depending on the schedules. I liked the fluidity of it because my business needs are fluid. One day I was broke and the next I was earning a $25,000 commission on one house. That’s real estate in a nutshell. My business coach helped me get clear on how to focus on my strengths, and through this, I realized that my superpower was shepherding out of town clients through the buying process. After they got settled and moved to New Orleans, I would then host get-togethers so they could meet each other and make friends. I’m not sure I would’ve known to do this had I not hired a coach to suss out this stuff. Business owners, I highly recommend hiring a coach. It pays off greatly if you hire the right one.

We All Need a Good Therapist!

Hiring a Coach for Mental Health

In other words, hiring a counselor or therapist is what I’m talking about here. I’ve had a mental health coach for over a decade and I am damn proud of it. It’s worked out that the same one has benefitted me through my process for various reasons. She is a steady and a rock in my life that I know I can depend on, and that makes me feel very safe. For someone that grew up with a lot of emotional instability, having a therapist I can depend on has been paramount in my growth mentally and emotionally. She has coached me through the absolute hardest and worst times of my life, and I have a deep respect and care for her. You might even say I love her. The importance that we don’t convey to our mental coaching is staggering. Much of my life has been surrounded by people who refuse to go to or stay in therapy. That only makes me want to stay in it more. Friends, no one is fooled. We all need therapy. You are not the exception to the rule. Hiring a coach for your mental health is something that I cannot say enough good things about. Those of us who subscribe to it can smell those who don’t from miles away. Don’t be ashamed. All the cool (and mentally healthy) kids do it.

Confidently Stating I WILL Move to Paris

Hiring a Coach for Clarity and Confidence and Life

My life and clarity and confidence coach shoots it straight. Unlike my mental health coach, we get down and dirty real quick. There’s no pussyfooting around in our sessions, and I like that. But she and I both know that if I weren’t open to it, we couldn’t work together. I knew when I hired her that I was ready to do the hard, hard work of getting very clear on myself and what I want out of life. There are things that we revisit on occasion, but there is so much that has already come out of this relationship in a few short months. Why delay? I don’t want to spend years on something that I could fix within 2 weeks. Again, my brain is wide open. It’s like having a lobotomy every week. I learn so many new things about myself and my life, and I am obsessed with the progress. One of the things that I am tasked to do each day to help myself along is journaling for 45 minutes each day. How do I get that done? I wake up super early nowadays, even earlier than I used to. My coffee, a cat, a dog, and I all journal for that long in bed and I find out all kinds of things. My clarity and my confidence have skyrocketed. I know she is super proud. I am, too.

Now I Know I Can Spend Money to Upgrade My Closet

Hiring a Coach for Finances

Why.Didn’t.I.Do.This.Sooner. Because money scares a lot of us. I’m in that number sometimes, but I got sick of not knowing. Since I’m in the middle of a divorce and we chose to not use attorneys, I wanted to make sure I am set for my finances. When you think you are going to be with someone for life and then you suddenly aren’t, it’s scary. What’s scarier is not knowing how your future finances are set up. My financial coach that I hired did what I keep referring to as an audit on my accounts and pinpointed the ones that could be better invested. That was almost all of them. So here I am, reinvesting and being a badass because I know what I’m doing now. She starts our meetings out asking me what my successes are for the couple of weeks in between meetings and it gets me totally fired up. My dears, I know ignorance feels like bliss, but it’s not. Not knowing how you are set up for the years to come is sickening. So you can be sick not knowing until what could be considered “too late” or you can rip off the bandaid and understand what is happening in your financial life. Moving through my decisions confidently is making me feel like a millionaire already. And you know what? I will be soon enough because now I know how to actually get there.

Tater is My Physical Fitness Coach

Hiring a Coach for Physical Fitness

To be clear, I do not a have a personal coach for physical fitness at this time. I’m past the point of wanting or needing one because exercise is part of my daily life, but there was a tine when I did have one. Every single day I move my body. If this is an area of challenge for you, though, I highly recommend a one-on-one with a physical fitness coach. My jam is group classes, which keep me accountable in a group coaching way. But some people enjoy that personal experience with a coach. Our physical bodies are what keep us going, and not taking care of it is simply unacceptable. We are given these amazing bodies that have legs to walk, fingers to type, eyes to scroll through social media or watch silly Netflix shows. Let’s give back, shall we? Remove your tush from the couch and shake it on down the street. If a coach seems too much, get an accountability partner or a friend who can go walk or ride a bike with you. Be each other’s coaches, and start feeling your best.

Don't Let Another Sun Set Before Hiring a Coach

If You Are Still Wondering if Hiring a Coach is for You...

It is. It’s for all of us. We all need help and perspective, and that is what all of these people provide to me. That’s all it is, sprinkled with experience and expertise in certain areas. There is no shame in not having done it yet. But please do yourself a favor and hire a coach, any coach. Ok, not ANY coach. Be selective on who, but in regard to the topic…just pick your favorite and start tracking down someone. Ask me, and I will gladly share mine. Humility is a big part of this process, and that is something you will have to embrace. Pride will get you exactly nowhere in the spectrum of growth, so my best advice is to lose it as quickly as possible for your maximum amount of success. I love this stuff, and I love the people surrounding me. I want to be the best version of me I can be, and hiring a coach for all areas of my life is how I make that a reality. Now, stop reading this and start hiring a coach. You’ve got this.

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